Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment

The most advanced treatment for hair loss
100% NATURAL - 100% SAFE

Platelet Rich Plasma for hair loss Treatment In Kurnool

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is the liquid portion of whole blood or processed blood plasma. The whole blood contains three layers of cells; red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells, platelets, and plasma. Plasma is the liquid portion of whole blood, which has white blood cells and platelets; which are separated as poor plasma and rich plasma. Hence Platelet-Rich Plasma is processed blood plasma.

This is a medical treatment for hair loss that contains a high concentration of platelets.

How does PRP work?

The treatment is a revolutionary hair growth procedure with the concept of cellular biology, where the body’s own healing properties, stimulate hair follicles for the growth of healthy and thick hair. Platelets contain healing growth factors and may act as a trigger for natural hair growth. PRP once injected increases blood supply to the hair follicle to maintain the growth and also in turn increases the thickness of the hair shaft. Photon-micro-needling and low-level laser are often combined with PRP, to enhance the results.


Before treatment, it’s better to inform your doctor regarding your chronic infections, illness, or supplements and medication you received. PRP treatment may not be recommended who are on blood thinners, chronic smoker, or alcoholics.

PRP therapy is a three-step procedure.

  • Step 1: Blood is drawn, usually from the arm, and collected in a test tube and put in a specialized centrifuge machine that spins at high speed to separate blood components.
    PRP Procedure 1
  • Step 2: After centrifugation process blood is separated into two major components called as plasma and sediment, the red blood cells settle down and clear fluid is called as plasma which contains white blood cells and platelets – this is called as PLATELET POOR PLASMA (PPP).

    This platelet-poor plasma is collected in another test tube and re-centrifuged to separate platelets from PPP. After 15 minutes of centrifugation process PLATELET RICH PLASMA (PRP) is separated from the platelet-poor plasma.

  • Step 3:The platelet-rich plasma (PRP) collected in insulin syringes and injected into areas of the scalp that are suffering from hair loss. However, the ideal volume of PRP to be injected is 8 to12 ml.

Before this injection, the doctor disinfects and administers local anesthesia. The whole site is then cleaned thoroughly.

Need to add pic: injecting into the scalp

After receiving the treatment which takes about 1 hour, the patient can return back to his normal work, as routine. To obtain desired good results PRP treatment usually recommended at an interval of 1 month for consecutive 5 to 6 months. This is followed by maintenance sitting once in 3 to 6 months.

PRP for hair loss

The whole blood contains three layers of cells; red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells, platelets, and plasma. Plasma is the liquid portion of whole blood, which has white blood cells and platelets; which are separated as poor plasma and rich plasma. Hence Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is processed blood plasma which contains a high concentration of platelets, usually 5-10 times higher than the platelets in whole blood.

The main function of tiny platelets is to respond to an injury; prevent excessive bleeding by initiating clotting of blood and help wounds to heal as contain proteins. Thus platelets speed up the healing process. Platelets are the main source of growth factors, which stimulate tissue recovery by increasing blood flow and cytokines. Hence platelets once injected into scalp increases blood flow to the hair follicle, reduces the inflammation that leads to hair loss, and thus normalizing the hair follicle function.

Advantages of PRP
  • 100% natural, simple, and safe treatments
  • Non-surgical, minimally invasive (only injections)
  • Cost-effective
  • No downtime after PRP treatment. You can attend your routine work schedule.
  • The treatment process is quick; generally, it takes around 45 to 60 minutes.
  • No risk of communicable disease and allergic reactions as its own blood used for treatment.
  • Almost negligible side effects such as soreness and redness of the skin for a day or two
  • Extremely natural-looking results
  • Useful in most common hair loss problems such as male and female patterned and alopecia areata.

Although some patients feel tenderness, soreness, or redness at the site of injection and some feel tightness’ on the scalp or complain of headache for a day after the procedure.

We at our Clear Skin & Hair Rich Centre perform the PRP procedure with an advance, refrigerator centrifuge, and in combination with low-level laser therapy to acquire effective results.

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